Current developments on Oklahoma water law. News for use by municipal water service providers. Wholesale and raw water transfers and contracts. Reports on litigation between rural water districts and municipal water service providers. Up to date information on the anticompetitive protection available through 7 U.S.C. section 1926(b).
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Oklahoma Water Law website has been upgraded
We have made some behind-the-scenes upgrades to the Oklahoma Water Law website. First, you will notice that the URL to this website is no longer We still use Blogger, but we have added a custom domain name. This will not change your experience -- your bookmarks to our previous URL should forward to the new domain name. Second, you may have noticed that we are expanding the scope of this blog beyond Section 1926(b) disputes to cover all Oklahoma Water Law issues. Finally, if you have noticed some broken links under our "crucial links" menu to the left, please understand that we have noticed that too. These links are being repaired and should be updated within a few days. Thank you for visiting the website. We look forward to continued updates and upgrades.