Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations launch an internet channel on water issues
By now, most of you have seen the television ads by the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations regarding water resources. The Nations have now launched a multi-media website making full use of the Nations' marketing resources. The site can be found here: Here is how the site's administrators describe the site:
Water Network is a high-definition, video-rich channel focused on the
life-giving resource of water and its allocation and conservation in Oklahoma.
The Choctaw & Chickasaw Nations are sovereign, effective nations living
within the borders of Oklahoma. As such, they have a deep economic and
spiritual interest in the state's lands and resources. With a growing library
of videos, the Water Network's vital information is accessible to Choctaws
& Chickasaws here in Oklahoma and around the world.
The Water Network is not only for Choctaws & Chickasaws; it's for all
Oklahomans who love the state and want to preserve her natural resources. This
deep well of water information, fair news and pristine footage is constantly
updated - offering new developments all sides of the issue in a transparent,
inclusive way.
With cities growing and natural resources ebbing away, water will become the
most valuable asset in the state. A most vital, most life-giving element, water
must be used responsibly. Use the Water Network to find information - in a
vibrant, engaging format - that informs decisions for Oklahoma's water future.
The Water Network utilizes a proprietary technology owned and operated by
Videodigm. Videodigm is an online delivery system that creates and provides
real-time news and rich interactive video content focused on a specific area of