Oklahoma City sets policy for most of the metro area, as other government structures that buy water from Oklahoma City are contractually obligated to also set rations. The list is comprised of Blanchard, Edmond, El Reno, Moore, Mustang, Newcastle, Norman, Piedmont, Yukon, Canadian County Rural Water District No. 3, the Deer Creek Rural Water Corporation, Tinker Air Force Base and Pottawatomie County Rural Water District No. 3.This contractual requirement finds its root in a state law that controls wholesale water contracts entered by municipalities. Title 11, Section 37-119 states the requirement as follows:
The contracts shall provide that the persons or public or private entities outside the corporate limits of the municipality shall be subject to a rationing program consistent with any rationing program ordered by the municipality.With these provisions required to be contained in municipal wholesale water contracts, we can expect a "trickle down" rationing effect this summer, especially if the predictions are correct in calling for continued drought conditions.
The Journal Record article can be found here: http://journalrecord.com/2013/01/17/cultivating-water-preservation-nurseries-landscapers-ahead-of-okc-policy-in-dealing-with-drought-general-news/